Wednesday 28 September 2011

The moult begins ...

It must be that time of year again. Molly, my dear old bird has no tail and a bald neck: moulting season.  Having been through this before I know it won't last, and while she looks almost oven-ready at the moment, in a few months she should be back to her finery.  The younger birds don't seem to have started yet, and I think this year's two hatchlings may not this year. 
Molly is now in her fifth winter, and each year the moult seems to be worse - I wonder if this is common in adult birds? Maybe the older they get the more feathers they need to re-new each year.  At least it is still surprisingly warm at the moment, and Molly won't get too chilly while she's transforming. Lets enjoy the weather while it lasts - it probably won't be long beofre the chill factor really sets in.
If this is your first time experiencing a chicken moult, here are a few tips to help your girls get through the worst:
1) Poultry Spice - I only use this during the colder months when the girls really seem to need a 'pick-me-up'. Just add it to their pellets each day.

2) Apple Cider Vinegar - this is supposed to be good for all sorts of ailments, including being a natural wormer. I use this in the winter for maybe a couple of weeks at a time but always make sure I have plain drinking water available for them too.

3) Porridge - there's nothing my girls like better than a dish of hot porridge on a chilly morning! I only make it with water & ordinary porridge oats but they go mad for it & it seems to give them a real boost.

4) Shut up the house - if you're lucky enough to have a secure run that allows you to leave the hen-house door open all summer, then this one is for you. Make a special effort to close them up in the winter months to keep in the warmth their bodies create.

And finally, a word of caution: foxes are rife this time of year. I have learned this the hard way, each time I've lost birds to Mr Fox it has been during the Autumn. If you haven't seen him around all summer & have got a bit complacent, now's the time to up your security before its too late.

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